PSYC 510 Homework: SPSS Fundamentals Assignment Solution

Homework: SPSS Fundamentals Assignment Instructions


Both consistency (reliability) and accuracy (validity) of measures and studies are important to advance our knowledge in the social sciences. As a researcher you will need to pay consistent attention to reliability and validity as you evaluate past studies and as you design your own studies. This assignment involves data entry, transformations, and calculations using SPSS. It will require you to produce measures of reliability and validity using SPSS and present it in written form using professional conventions.


Download the Homework: SPSS Fundamentals Assignment Template as a word document. Do not delete or modify the template, except to insert your answers where indicated. Use graduate-level writing skills and format using current APA conventions. Upload the completed file as a word document or PDF by its due date.

This assignment is worth a total of 50 points. SPSS Fundamentals Assignment

  • Content: point values vary but are indicated in the template and total 40 points.
  • Format: point values vary but are indicated in the template for 8 pts. The remaining 2 pts are for placing answers in the correctly designated spots within the template in a clear and easy to read format and uploading it in an approved format (word or PDF). Thus, the maximum is 10 points for format.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

PSYC 510 Homework: SPSS Fundamentals Assignment

Homework: SPSS Fundamentals Template

This assignment is worth a total of 50 points.

  • Content: point values vary but are indicated in the template and total 40 points.
  • Format: point values vary but are indicated in the template for 8 pts. The remaining 2 pts are for placing answers in the correctly designated spots within the template in a clear and easy to read format and uploading it in an approved format (word or PDF). Thus, the maximum is 10 points for format.

A researcher is interested in how much students value academic honesty. Here is the five-question scale she used to measure the value of academic honesty. SPSS Fundamentals Assignment

On a Likert scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating strongly agree, how much do you agree that:
_____  Academic honesty is essential to a good education.
_____  Talking about academic honesty is a waste of class time.
_____  Cheating is sometimes necessary for academic success.
_____  I would think less of a friend if I found out that he or she cheated on an assignment.
_____  Honesty and integrity in my academic work are strong values for me.


She collected data from 10 people; here is a summary of the data: SPSS Fundamentals Assignment

      Value of Academic Honesty: Question #s and Answers
ID Age Sex AH1 AH2 AH3 AH4 AH5
1 19 Male 5 2 1 4 4
2 21 Male 3 4 3 1 3
3 23 Female 3 2 1 3 4
4 18 Male 4 2 1 3 5
5 24 Female 4 1 2 4 3
6 50 Female 4 2 1 4 4
7 20 Female 3 3 4 3 1
8 19 Male 4 3 4 4 1
9 28 Male 3 2 2 3 3
10 26 Female 1 4 3 1 3


1.      Is this research design best described as descriptive, correlational, quasi-experimental, or experimental? Why? 4 pts
2.      What is the variable of interest? What is its scale of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio)? 4 pts
ANSWER: SPSS Fundamentals Assignment
3.      Enter the data exactly as shown in the table above using SPSS, using the variable names provided in the column immediately above the data. All variables should be numeric, so be sure to code sex as a number (you can choose the numbers).                               (8 pts – one pt per column of raw data entered correctly Content)


Recode value of academic honesty questions #2 and 3, naming them “AH2R” and “AH3R” so that a score of 1 = 5, 2 = 4, 3 = 3, 4 = 2, and 5 = 1.                                                                 (2 pts per column = 4 pts Content)


Sum academic honesty (make sure you use the RECODED values and not the original ones for AH2 and AH3!)                                                                                                                                              (2 pts Content for correct values in this column)


Take a screenshot or “snip” of your DATA VIEW and paste it into the area provided below. It should be an image that is completely viewable in its entirety in the window provided. (2 pts FORMAT for having image completely viewable in this document, “image format”)

SPSS Fundamentals Assignment



4.      In Variable View, enter value labels for sex so that it is clear what number represents Male and Females, respectively. Make sure the “Measure” (nominal, ordinal, or scale) for each row is correct. Take a screenshot or “snip” of your VARIABLE VIEW and paste it into the area provided below. It should be an image that is completely viewable in its entirety in the window provided.

(2 pts content / 1 pt format)


SPSS Fundamentals Assignment

5.      Check the reliability of the scale by calculating Cronbach’s alpha. Remember to use the RECODED variables. Copy the relevant Cronbach’s alpha SPSS output in the answer space below. (4 pts content / 1 pt image format)

SPSS Fundamentals Assignment

6.      Report the alpha (a) and interpret it using a complete sentence in APA format in the space below. (4 pts content / 2 pts format)


7.      Briefly describe how you could conduct a conceptual replication of this study. Clearly state how your proposal differs from a literal replication. Make sure your answer is specific to the scenario and not a generic or broad definition (this is an application question). (4 pts content)

SPSS Fundamentals Assignment

8.      Identify two types of construct validity covered in this week’s readings. How would you assess each type? List each type of construct validity selected. Next to each, provide one question you’d need to ask to assess it specific to this scenario (not a broad or generic question – must state / include the variable of interest).                                                  (4 pts content / 2 pts format)

SPSS Fundamentals Assignment



Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

PSYC 510 Homework: SPSS Fundamentals Assignment

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