NURU 641 Week 5 Psychopharmacology Patient Teaching Tool | Homework Solution

NURU 641 Week 5 Psychopharmacology Patient Teaching Tool

Course Learning Objectives: 1 – 7 Purpose:

This assignment is designed to assist the student in exploring fully one psychotropic medication and designing an interesting method using new and innovative technology to teach their patient about that medication and then sharing these tools with each other. This is a two-part assignment. The total points for the assignment is 150 points.


Part One – In Week 1, each student chooses a psychotropic medication for this assignment (a list was attached and it is first come, first pick so everyone does a different medication). Now, write a 1–2-page paper about the medication – what it is used for, mechanism of action, classification, side effects, etc. On label use and Off label use should be discussed. What do the studies say about it? Do not take this information from an app (apps cannot be used as a reference). APA 7th edition references are required. Psychopharmacology Patient Teaching Tool

Part Two – Design a short Prezi, PowToon, Canva, Infographic, or any other creative and new innovative approach (not a PowerPoint) for patients to explain the medication, why it is being used, and its side effects in a non-threatening manner, entertaining manner that they can understand. Take into consideration age range, culture, educational level, and any other factor that might be important in teaching about the medication. Share this with your peers by posting it in a special discussion board section (it is not a discussion board, just a place to post). It must also be submitted to Blackboard as an assignment for grading with the above paper.

NURU 641 Week 5 Psychopharmacology Patient Teaching Tool

Grading Rubric

  40 Points 35 Points 21 Points 0-9 Points
Content and Accuracy –

40 points

Describes the medication and its uses, its clinical significance, and the physiologic action of the medications.

Describes how you searched for the best evidence to answer your question.

Critiques the evidence.

Information contains accurate information and properly cited references.

Briefly describes the medication and its uses, its clinical significance, and the physiologic action of the medications.

Briefly describes how you searched for the best evidence to answer your question.

Briefly critiques the evidence.

Information contains accurate information but references are cited improperly.

Inadequate description of the medication and its uses, its clinical significance, and the physiologic action of the medications.

Inadequately describes how you searched for the best evidence to answer your question.

Inadequate critique of the evidence.

Information does not contain any references or many errors present in citation.

Does not describe the medication and its uses, its clinical significance, and the physiologic action of the medications. Does not describe how you searched for the best evidence to answer your question. Does not critiques the evidence.

Comments are speculative and unsupported Psychopharmacology Patient Teaching Tool

  15 Points 10 Points 5 Points 0-3 Points
Mechanics – 15 points Paper contains minimal to no grammar or spelling errors. Paper clearly addresses all required elements. Paper contains noticeable number of grammar or spelling errors.

Paper attempts to address all required elements.

Number of spelling or grammar errors detracts from meaning. Some required elements omitted. Paper is largely incomprehensible due to spelling or grammar errors. Many missing elements.


  20 Points 12 Points 4 Points 0-1 Points

20 points

Title page is correct. Supported by correct APA citation and referenced per APA. APA

formatting is correct.

Title page is correct. Supported by APA citation and referenced per APA but error present. APA formatting is not correct. Psychopharmacology Patient Teaching Tool Title page is

correct. Many errors present in citation or reference APA formatting is correct.

Title page is not correct or reference list is not correct or APA formatting is not correct.
  40 Points 35 Points 21 Points 0-9 Points
Content – 40 points All necessary information for the patient population is present. Culture, age, educational level are all considered. Most but not all necessary information for the patient population is present. Culture, age, educational level are mainly all considered. Some of the necessary information for the patient population is present. Culture, age, educational level are minimally considered. Minimal or none of the necessary information for the patient population is present. Culture, age, educational level are not considered.
  15 Points 10 Points 5 Points 0-3 Points
Use of Creative Innovation –

15 points

Presents information in an entertaining manner that will hold the attention of the patient in an innovative method. Presents information in an entertaining manner that will hold the attention of the patient but not in an innovative method. Presents minimal information in a non-entertaining manner that will not hold the attention of the patient in an innovative method. Presents incorrect information in a non- entertaining manner that will not hold the attention of the patient. Does not use an innovative method.
  20 Points 12 Points 4 Points 0-1 Points
Mechanics – 20 points Presentation contains minimal to no grammar or spelling errors. Presentation contains noticeable number of grammar or spelling errors. Number of spelling or grammar errors detracts from meaning Psychopharmacology Patient Teaching Tool Presentation is largely incomprehensibl e due to spelling

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  Clearly addresses all required elements. Is posted in both a DB and in Blackboard. Attempts to address all required elements. Is posted in both a DB and in Blackboard. Some required elements omitted.

Is not posted in both a DB and in Blackboard.

or grammar errors;

Many missing elements.

Is not posted in both a DB and in Blackboard.

NURU 641 Week 5 Psychopharmacology Patient Teaching Tool


NURU 641 Week 5 Psychopharmacology Patient Teaching Tool (150 Points)

Course Learning Objectives: 1 – 7

Purpose: This assignment is designed to assist the student in exploring fully one psychotropic medication and designing an interesting method using new and innovative technology to teach their patient about that medication and then sharing these tools with each other. Psychopharmacology Patient Teaching Tool

This is a two-part assignment. The total point for the assignment is 150 points.


Part One: Chosen medication “Clozapine”

Now, write a 1–4 pages paper Including title page and references (main paper about 2 pages title page and References will make 4 pages) about the medication – Psychopharmacology Patient Teaching Tool

  • what it is used for,
  • mechanism of action,
  • classification,
  • side effects, etc.
  • On label use and Off label use should be discussed.
  • What do the studies say about it?

Do not take this information from an app (apps cannot be used as a reference). APA 7th edition references are required.

Part Two – Design a short Prezi, PowToon, Canva, Infographic, or any other creative and new innovative approach (not a PowerPoint) for patients to explain the medication,

  • why it is being used, and Psychopharmacology Patient Teaching Tool
  • its side effects in a non-threatening manner, entertaining manner that they can understand.
  • Take into consideration age range, culture, educational level, and any other factor that might be important in teaching about medication.
  • Share this with your peers by posting it in a special discussion board section (it is not a discussion board, just a place to post). It must also be submitted to Blackboard as an assignment for grading with the above paper.

Testing of clozapine in research studies in children and adolescents has been limited. However, current evidence shows benefit for clozapine when used in children and adolescents who have previously failed to respond to other medications (usually 2 or more) for the treatment disorders such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

Among veterans with schizophrenia, overall use of second-generation antipsychotics has been reported to be slightly less common, and use of clozapine much less common, among African Americans and Hispanics than among whites. Because …

Remember that cultural competence and sensitivity play a vital role in providing effective care to individuals using clozapine. It’s essential to address cultural nuances while ensuring optimal treatment outcomes.

Age And cultural consideration of Clozapine Psychopharmacology Patient Teaching Tool

Due to this medication multiple side effects, it is only prescribed when other anti-psychotic medications fail. The focus is educating patients both young and old on the side effects.

Off-label uses of clozapine: Identified published evidence Diagnosis/behavior Supporting evidence Bipolar disorder Randomized, open-label trial reports mood stabilization benefits Depressive disorders Primarily case reports involving psychotic depression Borderline personality disorder Open-label trial reports improvement on multiple rating scales Substance use disorders Multiple studies report decreased cravings for alcohol and illicit drugs in patients with psychotic disorders Suicidality Multiple studies report benefits in patients with psychotic disorders.

Aggression Multiple studies report benefits in patients with psychotic disorders, independent of the impact on psychotic symptoms Psychosis in Parkinson’s disease Randomized, placebo-controlled study shows benefits at low dosages Tardive dyskinesia Retrospective studies show benefit from monotherapy Tardive dystonia Retrospective studies show benefit from monotherapy.                                                                                                                                                           Psychopharmacology Patient Teaching Tool

Off-label uses of clozapine:

Diagnosis/behavior Supporting evidence.

Bipolar disorder: Randomized, open-label trial reports mood stabilization benefits. Depressive disorders: Primarily case reports involving psychotic depression. Borderline personality disorder:  Open-label trial reports improvement on multiple rating scales

Substance use disorders: Multiple studies report decreased cravings for alcohol and illicit drugs in patients with psychotic disorders. Psychopharmacology Patient Teaching Tool

Suicidality: Multiple studies report benefits in patients with psychotic disorders Aggression: Multiple studies report benefits in patients with psychotic disorders, independent of the impact on psychotic symptoms.

Psychosis in Parkinson’s disease: Randomized, placebo-controlled study shows benefits at low dosages.

Tardive dyskinesia: Retrospective studies show benefit from monotherapy.

Tardive dystonia: Retrospective studies show benefit from monotherapy.

Steps to consider when prescribing medications off-label Source:

Reference 3 • Consider medications indicated for the desired purpose • Expand consideration to other FDA-approved medications • Includes medications indicated for other purposes • Identify options with sound scientic evidence • Become familar with existing literature • Locate any recommended dosing for desired off-label use • Consider FDA dosing parameters for approved uses • Explain to the patient or decision maker that use is off-label • Document this conversation • Discuss existing evidence for off-label use with the patient • Document this conversation • Discuss alternatives supported by the literature with the patient • Document this conversation

On label use of Clozapine

Solid evidence suggests that Clozapine is the most effective antipsychotic drug for schizophrenics who do not respond to treatment with first- or second-generation antipsychotics. 4 So approximately 60% of those who are considered treatment-resistant will respond to clozapine and its clinical use is supported by studies with various designs showing the positive outcomes and reduced hospitalization rates. 5, 6 In addition to its utility in schizophrenia, accumulating evidence supports clozapine’s utility for a variety of other disorders and psychopathologic symptoms, such as hostility and aggression.

7 There is also solid evidence in other psychiatric and neuropsychiatric diseases like treatment-resistant bipolar disorder, 8 Lewy body dementia psychosis 9 and psychosis in borderline personality disorder. 10 The work of Wahid et al. published in Mental Illness, Volume 9, Issue 2 (2017), contributes to that bride indication implications of clozapine use. 11 Psychopharmacology Patient Teaching Tool

Effective and underprescribed: what about clozapine? – PMC

Off Label use

Clozapine has also been used off-label in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD), bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia with comorbid depression [ 18 ]. There is also preliminary evidence that it may be an effective alternative therapy in unipolar major depressive disorder (MDD) [ 19 ].

Author: Dara Gammon, Catherine Cheng, Catherine Cheng, Anna Volkovinskaia, Glen B Baker, Serdar M Dursun

Publish Year: 2021 Psychopharmacology Patient Teaching Tool

DOI: 10.3390/biom11071030

Publication: Biomolecules. 2021 Jul; 11(7): 1030.

Published: 2021/07 Psychopharmacology Patient Teaching Tool

Clozapine: Why Is It So Uniquely Effective in the Treatment of a Ra…

NURU 641 Week 5 Psychopharmacology Patient Teaching Tool

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