NURS 450: Public/Community Health Experiential Nursing Learning Course | Assignment: Focused Self-Reflection Paper Solution

NURS 450:  Public/Community Health Experiential Nursing Learning Course

Assignment: Focused Self-Reflection Paper

Assignment:  The Focused Self-Reflection paper will address the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the BSN nursing student that have grown throughout the experiential learning opportunities, the time at SMSU, and/or professional experiences.  These reflections are about the student. The paper is due in the D2L assignment box by the date indicated on the course calendar.


This assignment helps to meet the following student learning outcomes and end of program student learning outcomes Focused Self-Reflection Paper.

SLO: #1 Take part in ethical caring behaviors with a focus on the value of autonomy by respecting the patient’s right to self-determination.

SLO: #2 Develop skills of critical thinking, communication, assessment, quality improvement, safety, and population-based interventions to improve health outcomes of diverse populations.

NURS 450:  Public/Community Health Experiential Nursing Learning Course Assignment: Focused Self-Reflection Paper

SLO: #3 Participate in interprofessional collaboration, and public health interventions, including health promotion, health education, teaching, screening, illness prevention, and follow-up.

SLO: #4 Determine management/leadership and quality improvement skills to meet the needs of the population served in the public/community health experiential nursing learning environment.

SLO: #5 Evaluate social determinants of health, culturally appropriate health promotion practices, and disease-prevention strategies for self and others.

SLO: #6 Evaluate lifelong learning, informatics/technology, and research evidence to promote population health and nursing actions to guide health promotion, prevention, maintenance, and restoration activities.

SLO: #7 Function as a nurse leader and change agent using the Scope and Standards of Public Health Nursing to advocate for policy changes that promote population-based health.

EOPSLO: #1 Build the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the baccalaureate prepared nurse as described within the Scope and Standards of Practice and Nursing Code of Ethics. Focused Self-Reflection Paper

EOPSLO: #2 Value diversity when planning equitable and inclusive person-centered care.

EOPSLO: #3 Support person-centered care through inter- and intra-professional collaborative processes.

EOPSLO: #4 Examine evidence to optimize health, safety, and quality outcomes.

EOPSLO: #5 Evaluate informatics and technology to support optimal health outcomes.

EOPSLO: #6 Value social determinants of health in the nursing process application to provide person-centered care.



Using the template provided, write a reflective paper, based on each of the end of program student learning outcomes (EOPSLO).  In each of the subtitles, give a specific example of how this was met either in the clinical area or in other nursing practice during the time as a student at SMSU.  Finally, summarize each section by summarizing how your personal nursing practice has grown or matured through the experiences identified.  In a summary paragraph, Focused Self-Reflection Paper include how your previous assumptions on nursing practice have changed as you near the completion of your baccalaureate degree.

This should be a well-written paper, representative of a baccalaureate prepared nurse.  Thoughts should be clearly presented, paragraphs well-organized, examples should be specific.  If you have struggled with writing on previous papers, use the writing center to get help with this paper. Get Applying Research Skills Essay Help!!

Upload a copy of your final work by the due date indicated in the course calendar.

NURS 450:  Public/Community Health Experiential Nursing Learning Course Assignment: Focused Self-Reflection Paper

Grading Rubric:

Topic Excellent Satisfactory Unsatisfactory COMMENTS
EOPSLO #1 Includes specific citation from the Scope of Practice and Nursing Code of Ethics.  Student gives specific examples from experiential learning and professional activities of:

*student’s development of their knowledge

*student’s development of their skills

*student’s development of their attitudes


Includes summary of how the student has grown/developed specific to experience at SMSU

(10 pts)

Includes Scope of Practice or Nursing Code of Ethics.  Examples are and general and only reflect professional activities of:


*student’s development of their knowledge

*student’s development of their skills

*student’s development of their attitudes




(7-9 pts)

Does not include Scope of Practice or Nursing Code of Ethics.  Examples are vague.  Does not include knowledge, skills or attitudes applicable to the EOPSLO.

Focused Self-Reflection Paper

(0-6 pts)

EOPSLO #2 Includes scholarly reference to the EOPSLO and specific examples of:

*student’s development of their knowledge

*student’s development of their skills

*student’s development of their attitudes

Includes summary of how the student has grown/developed specific to experience at SMSU


(10 pts)

May include a reference. Examples are and general and only reflect professional activities of:


*student’s development of their knowledge

*student’s development of their skills

*student’s development of their attitudes


(7-9 pts)

Does not include scholarly reference to support topic.  Examples are vague.  Does not include knowledge, skills or attitudes applicable to the EOPSLO.

(0-6 pts)

EOPSLO #3 Includes scholarly reference to the EOPSLO and specific examples of:

*student’s development of their knowledge

*student’s development of their skills

*student’s development of their attitudes

Includes summary of how the student has grown/developed specific to experience at SMSU


(10 pts)

May include a reference

Examples are and general and only reflect professional activities of:


*student’s development of their knowledge

*student’s development of their skills

*student’s development of their attitudes

(7-9 pts)

Does not include scholarly reference to support topic.  Examples are vague.  Does not include knowledge, skills or attitudes applicable to the EOPSLO.

Focused Self-Reflection Paper

(0-6 pts)

EOPSLO #4 Includes scholarly reference to the EOPSLO and specific examples of:

*student’s development of their knowledge

*student’s development of their skills

*student’s development of their attitudes

Includes summary of how the student has grown/developed specific to experience at SMSU


(10 pts)

May include a reference

Examples are and general and only reflect professional activities of:

Focused Self-Reflection Paper

*student’s development of their knowledge

*student’s development of their skills

*student’s development of their attitudes

(7-9 pts)

Does not include scholarly reference to support topic.  Examples are vague.  Does not include knowledge, skills or attitudes applicable to the EOPSLO.

(0-6 pts)

EOPSLO #5 Includes scholarly reference to the EOPSLO and specific examples of:

*student’s development of their knowledge

*student’s development of their skills

*student’s development of their attitudes

Includes summary of how the student has grown/developed specific to experience at SMSU


(10 pts)

May include a reference

Examples are and general and only reflect professional activities of:


*student’s development of their knowledge

*student’s development of their skills

*student’s development of their attitudes

(7-9 pts)

Does not include scholarly reference to support topic.  Examples are vague.  Does not include knowledge, skills or attitudes applicable to the EOPSLO.

(0-6 pts)

EOPSLO #6 Includes scholarly reference to the EOPSLO and specific examples of:

*student’s development of their knowledge

Focused Self-Reflection Paper

*student’s development of their skills

*student’s development of their attitudes

Includes summary of how the student has grown/developed specific to experience at SMSU


(10 pts)

May include a reference

Examples are and general and only reflect professional activities of:

Focused Self-Reflection Paper

*student’s development of their knowledge

*student’s development of their skills

*student’s development of their attitudes

(7-9 pts)

Does not include scholarly reference to support topic.  Examples are vague.  Does not include knowledge, skills or attitudes applicable to the EOPSLO.

(0-6 pts)

Summary Student articulates previous assumptions they held surrounding nursing practice and how that has changed during time at SMSU.  This is specific. Gives specific examples.

(10 pts)

Student articulates previous assumptions they held surrounding nursing practice but does not compare it to what they now feel as they near their BSN –

Examples are generalized, not specific

(7-8 pts)

Student does not articulate previous assumptions they held surrounding nursing practice.  Student does not recognize growth through the education process.

Examples are vague. (0-6 pts)

APA formatting Demonstrates information literacy through formation of APA citations and an APA reference list for resources with less than 3 errors in APA formatting

Focused Self-Reflection Paper

(5 pts)

Demonstrates information literacy through formation of citations and a reference list with >3 errors in APA formatting

(3 pts)

Does not cite references or create a reference list

(0 pts)

Writing Mechanics Writing is clear and focused.  Reader can easily understand the main idea. Contains rare punctuation, spelling, and/or capitalization errors. The main idea is incorporated in a manner appropriate for the practice of a baccalaureate prepared nurse.

(10 pts)

Focused Self-Reflection Paper

Writing is clear, but some lack of focus.  Reader may have difficulty understanding some of the content.  Errors in punctuation, spelling and/or capitalization occur Paragraphs contain less than 3 sentences.  Paragraphs lack focus, ramble.

(7-8 pts).

 Writing is lacking clarity and focus.  Reader cannot easily understand the main idea. The main idea is not incorporated into the text in a manner appropriate for the practice of nursing.

Multiple errors in grammar, spelling and/or capitalization.

(0-6 points)

 TOTAL           /84 points

NURS 450:  Public/Community Health Experiential Nursing Learning Course Assignment: Focused Self-Reflection Paper

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