PSYC 510 Homework: Descriptive Statistics Assignment Solution

PSYC 510 Homework: Descriptive Statistics Assignment Instructions


This assignment allows you to demonstrate mastery of topics covered thus far. It specifically includes professional understanding of reliability and validity, ability to synthesize research findings and rewrite them using your own words, identify errors in SPSS data entry, and write up descriptive statistics using current professional conventions. These skills will help you both as a consumer and producer of social science research.


Download the Homework: Descriptive Statistics Assignment Template as a word document. Do not delete or modify the template, except to insert your answers where indicated. Use graduate-level writing skills and format using current APA conventions. Upload the completed file as a word document or PDF by its due date.

This assignment is worth a total of 50 points.

  • Content: point values vary but are indicated in the template and total 40 points.
  • Format: point values vary but are indicated in the template for 8 pts. The remaining 2 pts are for placing answers in the correctly designated spots within the template in a clear and easy to read format and uploading it in an approved format (word or PDF). Thus, the maximum is 10 points for format.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

PSYC 510 Homework: Descriptive Statistics Assignment

Descriptive Statistics Template

This assignment is worth a total of 50 points.

  • Content: point values vary but are indicated in the template and total 40 points.
  • Format: point values vary but are indicated in the template for 8 pts. The remaining 2 pts are for placing answers in the correctly designated spots within the template in a clear and easy to read format and uploading it in an approved format (word or PDF). Thus, the maximum is 10 points for format.


Question #1

This question is Based on Practice Exercise 1 in the SPSS Workbook

Read the example Method, Results, and Discussion sections on p. 201 of your SPSS Workbook to answer the following question: What evidence is presented that supports the reliability of the Research Methods Attitude Scale? Make sure you support your answer using quantitative information.

(4 pts content / 1 pt format)



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Question #2

Go to

Click on “Datasets”, open the file called “Reminiscence Study”, and then open the “reminiscence with errors.sav” data file with SPSS. This is real data from a study conducted as part of a class project. However, this file has errors added to the demographic data for the purpose of this practice exercise. Descriptive Statistics Assignment


–          Use SPSS to calculate frequencies for the variables named age, gender, and collegestudent.

–          Look at the frequency tables in the output to identify the two errors (Hint: it is NOT “Missing System”).

–          What are the two errors? For each, identify the variable name, the numerical error, and explain how you know it is an error. Descriptive Statistics Assignment

(2 pts each = 4 pts content)



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Question #3 Using the dataset in the previous question, remove the two errors by deleting them (Note: do not delete entire rows – just delete the individual errors).

Now, calculate the appropriate descriptive statistics for age, gender, and collegestudent, noting the appropriate type of descriptive statistics is based on their scale of measurement. Copy / paste the SPSS output for the corrected tables (no graphs – just the SPSS tables) – one per variable. Descriptive Statistics Assignment

(3 pts per corrected variable = 9 pts content)



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Question #4 Write a brief description of the age, gender, and college student distribution in the sample as you would in a Participants section of a research report. Be sure you only report the correct information (without errors) and use APA format.

(2 pts content per variable  = 6 pts content; 2 pt format)

Get Creating Change Through Advocacy Essay Help | Descriptive Statistics Assignment

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Question #5

Create an appropriate figure to examine the distribution of age in the sample (make sure both axes titles are in Title Case!). Number it Figure 1 and create an appropriate title. In the Note section, using both a visual inspection of the data and a skewness statistic to discuss whether the distribution is normal. Make sure all components are formatted using APA conventions. Descriptive Statistics Assignment

(4 pts content / 1 pt format)



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Use the following information to complete the remainder of the assignment:


Go to

Click on “Datasets”, open the file called “Academic Honesty Study”. This is real data from a study conducted as part of a class project. Review the file called “academic honesty survey codesheet.pdf” to learn about the variables and codes. Open the data file called “academic honesty.sav” in SPSS.

–          Use SPSS to calculate the appropriate descriptive statistics to answer the remaining questions (#6 – 9): Descriptive Statistics Assignment



Question #6


Do most of the participants believe that those who plagiarize should have the opportunity to redo the assignment? (Hint: Find the variable and its label in SPSS that corresponds to the question “The professor should give the student the chance to redo the assignment”. Calculate descriptive statistics for this variable. Using complete sentences and professional conventions, make sure to include descriptive statistics to support your answer. (This can be a single sentence). Descriptive Statistics Assignment

(3 pts content / 1 pt format)



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Question #7

Do those who report they have never plagiarized believe that those who do should have the opportunity to redo the assignment? (Hint: Use the “Select if” command to select only those who reported that they have never plagiarized, and then run the same descriptive statistics you did for the previous question). Using complete sentences and professional conventions, make sure to include descriptive statistics to support your answer. (This may be a single sentence). Descriptive Statistics Assignment

(3 pts content / 1 pt format)



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Question #8

Do those who identified as undergraduates differ from those who were not currently undergraduates in their belief that those who plagiarize should have the opportunity to redo the assignment?  (Hint: Turn off the “Select if” command, then split the file (Data à Split File) to compare those who are currently in college to those who are not, and then run the same descriptive statistics as you did above). Using complete sentences and professional conventions, make sure to include descriptive statistics to support your answer. (This may be a single sentence) Descriptive Statistics Assignment

(3 pts content / 1 pt format)



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Question #9

What is the distribution of responses to the statement that plagiarism occurs due to “time pressure or stress”? (Hints: 1) undo the Split File from the previous question. 2) Find the variable name and label in SPSS that corresponds to this question). Create a bar chart and label it Figure 2, creating an appropriate title and note. Make sure all components are formatted using APA conventions. Descriptive Statistics Assignment

(4 pts content / 1 pt format)



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PSYC 510 Homework: Descriptive Statistics Assignment

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