[Solved] PSYC 510 Homework: Big Picture Assignment – Solution

PSYC 510 Homework: Big Picture Assignment Instructions


This final assignment allows you to demonstrate comprehension and mastery of topics covered throughout the course. It will require you to use techniques and concepts covered from the first day in an integrated manner, much like researchers do when conducting their own studies.


You will need to download three files to complete this multi-phased assignment.

Download the following two word document templates:

  • Homework: Big Picture – Review Assignment Template (worth 30 content points / 5 format points)
  • Homework: Big Picture – Analyses Assignment Template (worth 50 content points / 13 format points)

Download the SPSS data file: M8 Big Picture Data

Do not delete or modify the templates, except to insert your answers where indicated. Use graduate-level writing skills and format using current APA conventions when indicated. Upload both completed files as word documents or PDFS (two files) as a single submission by its due date. (You will not need to submit the SPSS data file as this information will be copy / pasted into the Homework: Big Picture – Analysis Assignment Template).

This assignment is worth a total of 100 points.

  • Content: point values vary but are indicated in the templates and total 80 points.
    • Homework: Big Picture – Review Assignment Template: 30 content points
    • Homework: Big Picture – Review Assignment Template: 50 content points
  • Format: point values vary but are indicated in the templates for 20 pts.
    • Homework: Big Picture – Review Assignment Template: 5 format points
    • Homework: Big Picture – Analyses Assignment Template: 13 format points
    • 2 format points: remaining 2 pts are for placing answers in the correctly designated spots within both templates and uploading both within a single submission as two separate files (either as a word document or PDF).

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

PSYC 510 Homework: Big Picture Assignment Instructions

Homework: Big Picture – Review Template

This portion of your assignment is worth a total of 35 points.

  • Content: 3 points per chapter x 10 chapters = total of 30 content points
  • Format: Place answers where indicated, making sure to use graduate level writing (e.g., proper spelling, use of terms covered throughout the course). Submit both completed templates as a single submission. 5 points format

In PSYC 510, we’ve covered 10 chapters. Each chapter has a major theme (indicated by its title). For EACH chapter, determine 6 major concepts / terms (you can be comprehensive so more dense chapters will have larger “themes”, identify the most important concepts, or start with the concepts you are weakest in / need to review). There are multiple acceptable answers as long as the content is covered in that particular chapter and the 6 items are clearly distinct.

Label the concept / term in the first column and then provide details in the second column (e.g., definitions, examples –  note this is a “cheat sheet” and does NOT need to use complete sentences but it should use terms from the course and be free of typos). There is one table per chapter. This should serve as a good review sheet for the other component of this assignment and for future Research Methods courses!

Ch. 1 Introductory Research Concepts
Term / concept Definition / example


Ch. 2 Reading Research
Term / concept Definition / example


Ch. 3 Measuring Variables
Term / concept Definition / example


Ch. 4 Reliability and Validity
Term / concept Definition / example


Ch. 5 Description and Sampling
Term / concept Definition / example


Ch. 6 Descriptive Statistics and z-scores
Term / concept Definition / example


Ch. 7 Types of Significance and Hypothesis Testing
Term / concept Definition / example


Ch. 8 Single Sample Comparisons
Term / concept Definition / example


Ch. 9 Correlational Designs
Term / concept Definition / example


Ch. 10 Examining Causality
Term / concept Definition / example


Homework: Big Picture – Analysis Template

This assignment is worth a total of 100 points.

  • Content: point values vary but are indicated in the template and total 50 points.
  • Format: point values vary but are indicated in the template for 13 pts.
Pintrich and colleagues (1991) developed the Motivated Strategiies for Learning Questionnaire (MLSQ) to determine if there is an association between students’ effort regulation and GPA. I used one subscale of the MLSQ (“effort regulation”) and final grades in an introductory psychology course to see if we could replicate the finding that students’ effort regulation, meaning their persistence in the face of a boring or difficult task, is associated with academic success. You will need to use the M8 Big Picture Data SPSS file to complete this assignment.


At midterm, students completed the survey which asked them their age, sex, and classification (freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior). It also asked them the four questions from the effort regulation subscale of the MSLQ. Students were asked for permission to use their final grade in the course and their answers to the survey for research purposes. Here are the MSLQ questions from the survey:


1.      I often feel so lazy or bored when I study for this class that I quit before I finish what I planned to do. *

2.      I work hard to do well I this class even if I don’t like what we are doing.

3.      When course work is difficult, I either give up or only study the easy parts. *

4.      Even when course materials are dull and uninteresting, I manage to keep working until I finish.

These are on a scale of 1 – 7, with one indicating “not at all true of me” and 7 being “very true of me”.


You will be using this dataset to answer the questions below.



Question #1 – 3 pts content

Run the necessary descriptive statistics based on each variable’s scale of measurement and what makes most sense for: age, sex, and classification. Copy / paste image(s) of the appropriate SPSS output in the space below. *Do not remove any cases / outliers for this assignment*


<answer here>


Question #2 – 6 pts content / 2 pts format

Present the descriptive statistics as would be done for a Participant subsection of a Method section. Age and sex should be presented in text, and you should create the most appropriate graph for classification. Make sure the graph for classification is properly formatted, including a Figure # and title, and has a proper call-out in the text. Note that since it is presented graphically, the same information should not also be stated using words (as that’d be redundant). Hint: There is an example in the IBM SPSS Workbook Part 2 on pages 200-201 for how to present the information in text, and you’ve been creating figures and using callouts throughout the semester

PSYC 510 Homework: Big Picture Assignment Instructions

<answer here>


Question #3 – 2 pts content

Reverse-code MSLQ #1 and 3 (Hint: This was shown in the IBM SPSS Workbook Part 1). Copy / paste an image of the Data View of these two reverse coded columns.


<answer here>


Question #4 – 2 pts content

Calculate whether there is internal consistency in this MSLQ subscale (see ch. 4 if needing a review of how to do this). Make sure you use the reverse-coded columns for the two variables recoded above. Copy / paste an image of the appropriate SPSS output in the space below.


<answer here>


Question #5 – 4 pts content / 2 pts format

Write an appropriate Materials subsection of a Professional Research Paper, noting the internal consistency of this MSLQ subscale. There is an example in the IBM SPSS Workbook Part 2 on pages 200-201.


<answer here>


Question #6 – 2 pts content

Have SPSS calculate the mean effort regulation score for each participant (making sure to use the reverse-coded columns for two MSLQ questions). Hint: this is also shown in the IBM SPSS Workbook Part 1. Copy / paste an image of the Data View of the averaged effort regulation column.


<answer here>


Question #7 – 4 pts content / 2 pts format

Run appropriate descriptive statistics on the MSLQ average and class performance. Write the results of these descriptive statistics as would be done in a Results section. Hint: There is an example in the IBM SPSS Workbook Part 2 on pages 200-201 for one variable – you’ll have to report two in this section. However, you do NOT have to exclude anyone from the analyses.



<answer here>


Question #8 – 2 pts content

Conduct the appropriate statistical test to assess whether effort regulation is associated with academic success. Copy / paste an image of the appropriate SPSS output in the space below.



<answer here>


Question #9 – 6 pts content / 2 pts format

Write up the results using professional conventions. Hint: We did this last week in Module 7!



<answer here>


Question #10 – 3 pts content

Conduct the appropriate statistical test to assess whether you can predict one’s academic success based on their effort regulation (regardless of results from previous sections – this is for educational purposes). Copy / paste an image of the appropriate SPSS output in the space below.



<answer here>


Question #11 – 4 pts content / 2 pts format

Create an appropriate figure to best demonstrate the prediction analysis and data. Make sure to include the figure number, title, and notes, and to do so using APA format! Hint: We did this last week in Module 7!


PSYC 510 Homework: Big Picture Assignment Instructions

<answer here>


Question #12 – 6 pts content / 2 pts format

Write up the results from #10-11 using professional conventions, making sure to include a callout to the figure created in the previous question. Hint: We did this last week in Module 7!



<answer here>


Question #13 – 3 pts content / 1 pts format

In one – two sentences, briefly summarize what your data suggests in terms of the research question. Did the study replicate the previous findings? This information would typically go in a Discussion section of a Professional Research Paper.


<answer here>


Question #14 – 3 pts content

For the purposes of this question, assume the analyses revealed a statistically significant relationship. What is a question you would ask related to its practical significance?


<answer here>

PSYC 510 Homework: Big Picture Assignment Instructions

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